Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Two for 2 Rivers, "brothers in the Night"

2 Rivers and the Two Inductees: By Brian Zelley

*back in 2008 and 2009before the revival of the
2 Rivers Boxing club and before the formation
of the BC Amateur Boxing Hall of Fame
who would have guessed that in 2016
Wally Doern and Ray Beaulieu would 
enter the hall of  "Glory & Honor".
But, it happened and in 2016 Ray Beaulieu 
joins coach Wally Doern in the BCABHoF.

                               Ray Beaulieu, 2016 inductee

Ray was one of the founding members of the BCABHoF in  2010
and also involved in the revival of 2 Rivers Boxing Club.

BCABHoF lost moments and memories

in Memory of our Lost: by Brian Zeller

VI Inductees, magic moments

island Images of Inductees: by Brian Zelley*************************

Monday, 25 January 2016

Galloway Moments to Remember

an Inductee: Ralph Galloway was inducted in 2013
and now in 2016 son Scott Galloway has been recognized.
As one of the founders of the BCABHoF it is cool
for Scott to join with Ralph to be honored by peers
In this sport of amateur boxing.